Legal (re)action: Italian class action procedures and how to insulate against them | FIVERS - Studio Legale e Tributari
What are the key legal provisions governing class action lawsuits in Italy?
What are the key legal provisions governing class action lawsuits in Italy?
How does Italy’s complex tax landscape impact foreign companies’ financial structures, including transfer pricing policies, tax incentives, and potential risks of double taxation? Italy certainly has a complex tax landscape, made up of many jumbled and in some respects unorganised regulations, which complicate its implementation. For this reason the extensive and structured tax reform expected …
During the pandemic, white-collar experts have not been as busy as they used to before. Has this also been the case in Italy? G. Scassellati-Sforzolini: During the pandemic, enforcement authorities have mainly focused on combating fraud related to the health emergency and that did not come as a surprise. The restrictions implemented in Italy also …
On 25 May 2018, Regulation (EU) 2016/679, known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) – on the protection of natural persons (‘data subjects’) with respect to the processing and transfer of personal data – became completely applicable in all EU member states. As an EU regulation, the GDPR is a provision to be directly applied …
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