Inward investment: entrepreneurs and investors in the UK immigration regime | Magrath Sheldrick LLP

Legal Briefing

The prevailing economic uncertainty has ignited significant debate in the media in respect of the desirability of bringing foreign nationals into the UK to participate in the UK labour market. Immigration remains at the forefront of political debate and, in particular, the impact of migration on the availability of work for resident workers and the …

Lisbon Treaty: update | Berwin Leighton Paisner

Legal Briefing

After much deliberation and delay, the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty appears to be back on track and could enter into force this month. Ireland, the only country to hold a referendum on the Treaty, ratified it on 2 October 2009, with Poland following closely behind by signing on 10 October 2009.

Tidying up: revisions to waste permitting exemptions | Burges Salmon

Legal Briefing

Since 2007, Defra, the Environment Agency (EA) and the Welsh Assembly Government have been reviewing the waste exemptions from environmental permitting, a system that has been in place and largely unchanged for 15 years. In broad terms, certain waste activities, such as burning waste as fuel or spreading sludge on agricultural land, were exempt from …

High Court finds that ‘subject to contract’ banner does not necessarily prevent parties being bound by agreement | The In-House Lawyer

Legal Briefing

IN JIREHOUSE CAPITAL & ORS v BELLER & anor [2009] the parties were conducting settlement negotiations and although they had not expressly lifted the ‘subject to contract’ banner (in fact both sides used it fastidiously through their various exchanges) the High Court found that, on the facts, the parties’ negotiations could only be understood to …

First-tier tribunal applies Redrow to accountancy services | Jones Day

Legal Briefing

In Airtours Holiday Transport Ltd v HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) [2009], the tax chamber of the first-tier tribunal decided that Airtours Holiday Transport Ltd (Airtours) was entitled to a credit for input VAT on fees that it had paid to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). HMRC argued that Airtours was merely a third-party payer and that PwC’s …

Public disclosure of mortgaged lands | Amarchand Mangaldas

Legal Briefing

To afford a home of your own is every person’s dream. But did you know that attachment proceedings can be initiated by the bank, in respect of your dream home, because your builder or developer has mortgaged the property to the bank and has defaulted in repaying the loan?