Government announces decision to implement Jackson reforms | Macfarlanes

Legal Briefing

On 29 March 2011, following a three-month consultation period, the government announced its intention to implement most of the ‘primary’ recommendations set out in Lord Justice Jackson’s report into the costs of civil litigation in England and Wales. Many of the proposals are aimed at solving perceived problems arising in the context of personal injury …

Confusion over future regulation for the consumer finance industry | Eversheds Sutherland

Legal Briefing

The coalition’s ‘Our programme for Government’ states that it is based around three fundamental principles: freedom, fairness and responsibility. While these principles are not described in detail, they could reflect a balanced approach if construed as follows: the freedom of enterprises (and indeed the need for them) to compete; the responsibility of creditors to treat …

Entire agreement clause is no defence against liability for misrepresentation | The In-House Lawyer

Legal Briefing

The frequency with which entire agreement clauses have come before the courts for consideration demonstrates why it is so important that such clauses are carefully drafted to effectively protect the party seeking to rely on it, particularly with regard to excluding liability for misrepresentations. The recent AXA Sun Life Services plc v Campbell Martin Ltd …