We have gone through turbulent times. To say that the world has changed in the past year and a half would be an understatement. Revered institutions have fallen like houses of cards and once untouchable reputations have been severely damaged by economic upheaval. Although there are some indications that life as we knew it has …
Supershield Ltd v Siemens Building Technologies FE Ltd [2010] takes us back to the nuts and bolts of contract law – to the question of remoteness of damage. A type of loss resulting from a breach of contract cannot be recovered if it is too remote. The law in this area has become unsettled in …
When we think of reputation, particularly corporate reputation, we are really thinking about trust in an organisation. A successful company must gain the trust of its employees, suppliers, shareholders and customers to help win a commercial advantage over its competitors and protect the value of its business. Losing stakeholder trust can result in the failure …
In a unanimous decision released on 21 January 2010, the Supreme Court of Canada clarified the discretion of a federal responsible authority (RA) to make decisions regarding the scoping of projects for purposes of the federal environmental assessment (EA) process. In MiningWatch Canada v Canada (Fisheries and Oceans) [2010], the court overturned a Federal Court …
Several high-profile data security breaches have made the headlines in recent times involving the loss of personal information relating to hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals. In many cases the information was stored on unencrypted laptops that were either lost or stolen.
The European system for granting patents has been a great success. A European patent, applied for via the European Patent Office (EPO), leads to a bundle of national patents that are identical in form but enforceable in each jurisdiction separately. However, while the process for granting patents has been successful, the need for separate enforcement …
For over 100 years property and liability insurance law has largely been governed by the Marine Insurance Act 1906, a product of careful thought and drafting that codified the previous 200 years of case law. Times have changed, however, particularly in the speed of communications, the availability of information and the development of the law. …
Logistics service providers need to have an effective contingency plan to deal with the prospect of their retailer customers experiencing severe financial distress, defaulting on payments, or going into administration or liquidation. Although good credit control is essential, especially given the recent disappearance of several household names in the retail sector, this article will focus …
On 26 January, Ramsey J handed down a 468-page judgment in BSkyB Ltd & anor v HP Enterprise Services UK Ltd (formerly Electronic Data Systems (EDS) Ltd) & anor (Rev 1) [2010]. The decision, awaited since July 2008, saw Ramsey J uphold (in part) BSkyB’s claim that EDS had won the contract to supply BSkyB’s …
Section 8 of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 (the 1996 Act) empowers the court to refer matters brought before it to arbitration, in the event that the matter falls within the scope of an arbitration agreement between the parties (see the ‘Section 8’ box below). The Supreme Court of India has categorically held, …
The 14 jurisdictions of Central, eastern and south-eastern Europe (CEE and SEE), where Wolf Theiss concentrates its energies, are equally divided between seven members of the EU (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia), and seven members of the Energy Community, established by the Energy Community Treaty in October 2005 (Albania, Bosnia and …
The Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act (BCIA) 2009 received Royal Assent last year. BCIA 2009 makes changes to border functions and several miscellaneous immigration matters. However, the most significant change it introduces affects how foreign nationals may acquire British citizenship in the UK. This article seeks to highlight these changes in some detail. Introduction An …