A guide to corporate restructuring in the UAE | Baker & McKenzie Habib Al Mulla

Legal Briefing

Commercial markets in the UAE are still feeling the shock of the global economic recession, forcing many companies to undergo restructuring to ensure better efficiency and productivity. Yet, many of them are not aware of the legal intricacies and practical complexities surrounding a corporate restructuring.

A brand marriage made in heaven? Reputational risks in corporate partnerships | Schillings

Legal Briefing

In this digital age of social media and 24/7 rolling news, the need for a company to manage and maintain a positive image has never been more important. Today’s increasingly competitive commercial landscape can make correctly managing a reputation vital to commercial success. However, getting it right can be a tough challenge. Managing the reputation …

Privilege: recent case law provides guidance on scope | Macfarlanes

Legal Briefing

The legal concept of privilege underpins much of the daily interaction between lawyers and clients because it allows a client uninhibited access to a lawyer’s professional advice, free from concern that confidential communications will be disclosed in any subsequent litigation. This article focuses on three recent cases that have provided clarification on the scope of …

Business interruption insurance: importance of understanding cover | Holman Fenwick Willan

Legal Briefing

Business interruption insurance is often a key component of a company’s business continuity plan. The insurance is designed to compensate an insured for the financial effect of the interruption or interference to that business as a result of physical damage to an insured property or other key external events, such as damage at a supplier’s …

De facto directors: Holland v Revenue and Customs & anor [2010] | Druces LLP

Legal Briefing

A recent Supreme Court judgment in Holland v Revenue and Customs (HMRC) [2010] has considered the status of de facto directors and, on a 3-2 split decision, limited the applicability of the concept. The decision is controversial because it will provide a defence in certain circumstances for persons controlling companies who are not officially directors …

Impact of direct tax code on special economic zones | Amarchand Mangaldas

Legal Briefing

The Special Economic Zones Act (SEZA) 2005 was enacted with the underlying objective to boost economic activity, promote exports and investment from domestic and foreign sources, create employment opportunities and develop infrastructural activities. Keeping such objectives in mind, various fiscal incentives were provided to the special economic zones (SEZs) under the Income Tax Act (ITA) …

2011: a year of change for the UK immigration landscape | Magrath Sheldrick LLP

Legal Briefing

December 2010 was an incredibly eventful month for UK immigration practitioners, with further information published concerning the mechanisms of the permanent annual immigration limits (due to be implemented in April 2011), a judicial decision rendering the interim limits introduced by the coalition government as unlawful and the almost immediate removal of one of the UK …

FSA CEO outlines new regulatory approach | Eversheds Sutherland

Legal Briefing

In a speech on 13 December, Financial Services Authority (FSA) chief executive Hector Sants outlined what firms can expect of the supervisory approach under the new regulatory structure following the abolition of the FSA in 2012. Sants attributed the financial crisis ‘first and foremost to massive misjudgements’ made by key financial institutions, before going on …

Saving billions of euros in public procurement | Wolf Theiss

Legal Briefing

Not least due to the financial crisis, the situation surrounding the public budget in central and eastern Europe (CEE) and southeastern Europe (SEE) countries is fraught with complications. Nonetheless, governments (including the states, provinces and municipalities) in the EU will invest a barely credible €2.5trn (ie €2,500bn) in various government contracts in 2011 – purchasing …