Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules July 2017 | Magrath Sheldrick LLP

Legal Briefing

A new statement of changes to the UK Immigration Rules was presented to Parliament on 20 July 2017, to implement changes to the family Rules under Appendix FM following the Supreme Court judgment in MM (Lebanon) & ors v the Secretary for the Home Department [2017]. In particular, the statement of changes inserts new general …

The revolution in food and agricultural technology is only beginning | Yigal Arnon & Co.

Legal Briefing

In 2009, the UN-FAO released a report predicting that the world’s population would grow 34% by 2050. Among the many challenges posed by a growing world population, a primary challenge will be to ensure an adequate food supply for this vast population. This challenge is further complicated as the predominance of population growth will occur …

An analysis of the UK’s offering to EU Nationals living in the UK post Brexit | Magrath Sheldrick LLP

Legal Briefing

On Thursday 23 June 2016, the people of the United Kingdom voted for a British exit (Brexit) from the European Union in a historic referendum. Almost exactly one year later, on 26 June 2017, the UK government published its proposals to ‘Safeguard the position of EU citizens living in the UK and UK nationals living …

Cultivating Good GST Compliance Culture via CBOS 3.0 | Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill (LHAG)

Legal Briefing

When we ordinarily refer to compliance in goods and services tax (GST), what strikes our minds is the filing of GST returns and settling the GST due within the stipulated taxable period. It has been more than two years now since the implementation of GST in Malaysia. The compliance rate for GST filing thus far has …

Similar means, different goals to achieve same end: customs valuation and transfer pricing | Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill (LHAG)

Legal Briefing

The enforcements of customs valuation and transfer pricing are the epitome of similar means and different goals to achieve the same end. The means of valuation and pricing are similar in the form of the valuation and pricing methodologies. However, the goals are at two ends of the spectrum: the former wants the highest appraised value of imports; the other, …