The clean-up crew
In-house litigation teams vary markedly in size even at the most regulated companies, but they have taken on more authority and are managing disputes closer to home
In-house litigation teams vary markedly in size even at the most regulated companies, but they have taken on more authority and are managing disputes closer to home
With a no-deal Brexit on 31 October now a realistic prospect, we assess how the top UK law firms are preparing
WeWork picks 11 firms for first EMEA panel Workspace provider WeWork has launched its first legal panel for the EMEA region with 11 firms for an initial two-year period. The panel includes Addleshaw Goddard, Bird & Bird, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang, DLA Piper, Eversheds Sutherland, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Hogan Lovells, …
New Law is as a breed still a lot better at promise than delivery, particularly on claims of providing better value than law firms.
The retail group’s legal director on crossing snow-covered fields in wool boots and why the Russians would just get Brexit done
With Brexit entrenching divisions, Britain’s patchwork constitution is being increasingly pitted against political upheaval. Do legal experts see crisis brewing?
More firms than ever are jostling for position in the City’s booming disputes market
With no end in sight to high-street closures and job losses, IHL talks to retail GCs about the fight to adapt
We look at the challenges and opportunities present for entrepreneurs within India’s burgeoning start-up ecosystem
Basic principles of third-party funding Over the past 30 years, third-party dispute funding has experienced an exponential growth in civil and common law jurisdictions. As the common law doctrines of maintenance and champerty were softened or even abolished (most often in the context of international arbitration proceedings), third-party funding became a viable option for companies …
Court judgments and arbitral awards are enforced in Saudi Arabia in accordance with the new Enforcement Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/53, dated 13 Shaban 1433H (corresponding to 3 July 2012) (the Enforcement Law); and the Implementing Regulations for the Enforcement Law issued by Ministerial Resolution No. 9892 dated 17 Rabi Thani 1434H (corresponding …
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A key distinction between US and non-US litigation is the liberal discovery available to parties in the United States. However, non-US litigants have a powerful tool that can provide the benefit of US discovery rules to obtain broad discovery for use in proceedings abroad. United States Statute 28 USC §1782 empowers a district court to …