Changes to the bankruptcy and restructuring legal framework in Oman | Al Busaidy, Mansoor Jamal & Co

Legal Briefing

While it has been in place since 1990, the legal framework governing bankruptcy and restructuring in Oman underwent a qualitative change in 2018 and 2019 with the issuance of the new Criminal Law (Royal Decree (RD) 7/2018) (the Criminal Law) and the Bankruptcy Law (RD 53/2019) (the Bankruptcy Law), which may have a significant impact …

Measures to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the Austrian economy | fellner wratzfeld partner

Legal Briefing

On 16 March 2020, the Austrian government imposed drastic measures to contain the SARSCoV2 virus, commonly known as Covid-19. The international Covid-19 crisis resulted in a seven-week complete lockdown in Austria, with only ‘critical infrastructure’ such as banks, supermarkets, pharmacies and hospitals remaining open for business. Simultaneously, the Austrian government applied several economic measures, attempting …

Post-Brexit recognition of English insolvency judgments in Luxembourg and its effects on European restructurings | Loyens & Loeff

Legal Briefing

European distressed debtors and creditors face uncertainty regarding English law-governed debt and, more generally, their overall restructuring strategy. This uncertainty arises against the backdrop of the UK’s imminent departure from the EU, the Covid-19 pandemic and turbulent markets. Many major out-of-court or in-court European debt restructurings use English law governed loan debt and Luxembourg-based debtors, …

The employment relationship in company acquisition and restructuring in China | AnJie

Legal Briefing

Company acquisition and restructuring often bring about a change in the acquiree’s business strategy, direction, organisation and personnel structure. These can affect the employment relationship between the acquiree and its employees as well as sometimes the employment affairs of the acquirer. Acquisition can be divided into asset acquisition and equity acquisition. This article analyses how …

Covid-19: employment issues under Japanese labour law | City-Yuwa Partners

Legal Briefing

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (MHLW) announced on 11 September 2020 that the number of employees who have been terminated (or will be terminated) from their employment in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic had reached 54,817 (including 25,334 non-regular employees). The Covid-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact on the …

The ‘new normal’: the scope for adapting the ways we work as the Covid-19 pandemic continues | Kluge Advokatfirma

Legal Briefing

The Covid-19 pandemic has presented numerous new challenges to companies across the world, including in Norway. A number of new issues and problems had –and still have –to be assessed and addressed at a very short notice. The large volume of new temporary legislation has targeted some of the immediate issues companies were faced with. …

Digital nomads, welcome to Croatia – new regulation of foreign nationals’ residence introduced | Macesic & Partners

Legal Briefing

One of the things the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us is that most work can be performed remotely. But even before worldwide lockdowns, some individuals have been using technology to replace their offices with exotic locations around the world. They are ‘digital nomads’ and their numbers have been increasing rapidly in the last couple of …

Class actions in the UK: preparing for a changing landscape | Brodies

Legal Briefing

If you were asked to name a well-known example of a class action, the first one to spring to mind might be Hollywood’s Erin Brockovich, based on the true story of a Californian community that claimed for damages against an energy corporation for suspected groundwater contamination, and secured a multi-million-dollar settlement. Although the likes of …

Doing business in India | Clasis Law

Legal Briefing

India has one of the most transparent and liberal foreign direct investment regimes among the emerging and developing economies. Any foreign investment proposed to be brought into an Indian entity, either by way of subscription or purchase of securities, is governed by the Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999, Foreign Exchange Management (Non-Debt Instrument) Rules 2019, …

The board of the future | DAC Beachcroft

Legal Briefing

Lockdown was, and it’s aftermath is, the leadership challenge of a generation. Our world has not just been shaken; it’s been permanently shifted. The pandemic has firmly put the quality of business leadership under the spotlight. Senior members of legal departments, board members or not, have an organisation-wide perspective on how businesses are adapting. Informed …