Merge well – merge wisely: a German perspective | Haver & Mailänder Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB

Legal Briefing

In order to merge well, one must merge wisely. This requires the application of a two-step approach: First, a methodically conducted preparation of the filing by close interaction with all parties involved (both on factual and legal grounds), and secondly, a notification procedure which is handled in a responsible, transparent and trustworthy manner vis-à-vis the respective authority.

Heal thyself


In a set-piece debate at this year’s Enterprise GC, we united senior GCs and law firm leaders to debate the future of the profession

Three perspectives on change


As technology reshapes the legal industry, we interview three senior lawyers about their attempts to grapple with change at their companies

No alarms and no surprises


A small but influential group of clients and law firms are leading a charge to restore healthy working practices in law, but will everyone play along with the Mindful Business Charter?

Corporations with benefits


We take a look at the growing US phenomenon of enshrining public benefit goals into for-profit corporate charters

The waiting game


Will opt-out competition actions shake up the dynamics of consumer claims facing major companies? A key court ruling awaits

The hard sell


The Big Four’s assault on law continues to make headlines but are GCs buying it?

A change is gonna come


After years in the shadows, more demanding employees, the #MeToo spotlight and new ways of working are putting employment law centre stage again

Corporate reorganisations: how US tax reform drives cash repatriation programmes | Eversheds Sutherland

Legal Briefing

Change is the new norm and each month, companies are contemplating how to transform their current business set-up to create efficiencies, maximise use of invested capital and simplify corporate structures. Other motives for corporate reorganisations are very often the improvement of fiscal compliance and tax efficiency. The Trump administration’s tax reforms have created a recent …